Front Page News

End of Year Message - 29 June 2022

Picture of Steve MacGregor
End of Year Message - 29 June 2022
by Steve MacGregor - Wednesday, 29 June 2022, 3:55 PM

A bit of housekeeping prior to a year-end message: If your child was not in attendance today and did not receive their report card or personal belongings, please be in touch with your child’s classroom teacher and office staff and these will be made available for pickup at the office on the week of July 4th.

A reminder that you will be responsible for providing your child’s backpack, indoor shoes, water bottle, etc… but teachers will be purchasing their school supplies this summer and we will be collecting a $45 fee per child in September.  Although this represents a slight increase over last year’s fee due to increased cost of supplies, it also is still significantly below the cost of school supply lists that used to be sent home with each child.  Some classes may request an additional item or two be provided by families in the fall.  This might be along the lines of a pencil box, but please wait to hear from your child’s classroom teacher before purchasing these extras as these could vary slightly depending on the age group or other factors.

On behalf of our staff, I want to thank Keating families for all you have done to make a few challenging years go as well as they could have.  It was appreciated that where other communities may have experienced angry or worrisome expressions of varying viewpoints, I feel ours shared differences respectfully and appropriately almost without fail.  I think it says a lot about our community, that we could maintain such civility through such a stressful time.  I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge an amazing staff who care deeply about our kids and this place.  Again, thank you to all who make Keating special.

I truly hope that all are able to find some time to enjoy family, summer, favorite places, and opportunities to rest and relax in the coming weeks.  All deserve this right now.  I look forward to seeing everyone with their “batteries” recharged and ready to go in a couple of months.
