English Language Arts

​​English Language Arts Term 3

In English this term, students will learn about the following:


- Continue to develop and build on standard writing conventions through use of periods, commas, semi-colons, quotation marks and revision of ideas to connect ideas that flow and are clear.

- Explore the use of adverbs and how they modify verbs to provide more information about a specific action i.e. The child ran quickly down the road.

- Use conjunctions to build compound sentences that strengthen ideas and encourage more development in writing.

Competency objectives:


- Use prediction and inference-making skills to make important judgements about a situation within a text in order to further develop meaning and comprehension

-Understand the structure of stories as they pertain to the narrative story arc in order to create, sequence, and write a story that shows development of a fundamental problem and resolution. 

- Show an increasing understanding of the role of organization in meaning to produce clear and organized written work

- Exchange ideas and perspectives to build shared understanding with the goal of identifying opinions and viewpoints and collaborating in small and large groups.

Last modified: Monday, 14 March 2022, 7:38 AM