Front Page News

Friendly Reminders

Picture of Steve MacGregor
Friendly Reminders
by Steve MacGregor - Monday, 24 February 2020, 9:04 AM

Happy last week of February!

A couple of friendly reminders at the start of this week:

  • Although habits seem to have improved in pickup and drop-off areas and the parking lot, a couple of matters do persist.  Thank you to all have sped up their drop off routines to keep traffic moving more smoothly in the mornings, however, we are finding a number of cars parked in staff and disabled parking spots which creates problems for staff and families needing access to such spaces.  We understand that everyone is busy and often in a hurry, but when these choices are made they impact on our fellow community members who have equally busy schedules and tight timelines and in some cases creates a safety issue.
  • Supervision at the school ends at 3:05.  It is important that unsupervised children are on their way home when the bell rings at this time.  Should a child become hurt, or engage in inappropriate behaviours past this time there is no support available.  Recently, there have also been challenges with unsupervised groups impacting on programs that KOSC staff are delivering.  Please, if you wish for your child to enjoy the school grounds past 3:05, arrange for an adult to supervise.

Thank you for your continued attention to such things to the benefit of our school community.
