Front Page News

Communication from Teachers

Picture of Steve MacGregor
Communication from Teachers
by Steve MacGregor - Thursday, 10 September 2020, 4:58 PM

It was great to see familiar, smiling faces, and colourful masks today.  We appreciated everyone's patience and great manners as we confirmed that health checks had been done and we signed children in.  It was great to have so many kids back in the building and we look forward to having our kindergarten, grade 4, and grade 5 students with us tomorrow.

You can expect to receive communication from your child's classroom teacher by the end of this week.  That communication might come via a paper classroom newsletter, or by e-mail depending on the teacher.  Along with other information, there should be instructions about where classes will line up in the morning, and from where they will be dismissed in the afternoon.  Having said this, there have been a number of computer and printer issues in the school district today so we will update you on Friday if these prevent any expected communication.

Some will probably be wondering if coloured bracelets that were put on students' wrists at orientation need to remain on for next week.  Either way is fine.  Each teacher has a supply that should allow for a replacement for each child's bracelet at the start of both of the next two weeks.  This will hopefully allow all to have a bracelet for the time needed to support the learning about cohorts and the associated responsibilities and routines.

Thanks again for a great return to in-person instruction.