Front Page News

End of Week Message - 18 February 2022

Picture of Steve MacGregor
End of Week Message - 18 February 2022
by Steve MacGregor - Friday, 18 February 2022, 3:12 PM

Next week we will be celebrating Carnaval here in the spirit of Quebec’s Winter Carnaval.  In addition to learning about associated cultural activities in classrooms, we will have school wide jersey day (originally hockey jersey day, but anything sporty is great) on Thursday, and lumberjack/lumberjill day on Friday, when people are encouraged to wear jeans, plaid shirts, and a sash if you have one.  Classes may also be creating group ice sculptures on Friday so please be in touch with your child’s classroom teacher around plans for their class on this project if you need more information.

We will pause our Carnaval theme on Wednesday for Pink Shirt Day.  February has been a month of focusing on the theme of kindness, but Wednesday in particular will be a day of thinking of others and being especially kind.

I hope that you all enjoy your long weekends whether they start at the end of day today, or they have already begun.  We look forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday for a fun and busy week.