April News  

Welcome to the last semester of kindergarten! As the weather these days is unpredictable, please ensure that your child has a water bottle that can be refilled for the warmer days, and a raincoat and change of clothes for the rainy days.

April Themes
For the month of April, we will continue to learn the names of animals in French. We will be reading stories as well as making up our own stories about animals. 
Throughout the month, we will do a variety of Spring art activities, as well as learn about the characteristics of Spring. In Math we will be continuing with number concepts, such as comparing quantities, counting backwards, counting on, and working on "doubles" (2+2=4, 3+3=6, etc.). We will also begin a unit on measurement. In the area of literacy, letter and sound recognition will continue to be ongoing themes.  The children will continue to be encouraged to write words in their journal entries using either invented spelling (writing sounds they hear) or conventional spelling. Each week we will be having a "Story Workshop" time, where the children will use loose parts to create a scene or a setting. They will then create an oral story (in French!) about their scene. 

Home Reading Sheets

Please continue to send in your completed home reading logs. I will do my best to send home another sheet once you have completed one, but if I miss you, please let me know!

Show and Tell themes:  The theme for April is Spring or nature. smile Your child can bring in something that reminds them of Spring or something that they have found in nature. (ex. a rock, a shell, a flower, etc.) They might also choose to make a picture collage of things they have found in nature.


Last modified: Monday, 4 April 2022, 2:33 PM