Monthly Topics

Each month, our learning and activities will be based on a different theme. The following is a list of tentative topics that we will be studying throughout the school year. It is subject to change based on the children's interest and where our (guided) inquiries may take us!

Alphabet, letter sounds, number recognition and French oral language will be ongoing units that extend throughout the year.

septembre: Getting to Know You, School routines, Fall

octobre: Fall, Hallowe'en, Monsters

novembre: Night, Owls, Remembrance Day

decembre: December Holidays, Family

janvier: Winter, Québec Winter Carnaval, Polar bears

fevrier: Valentine's Day, Health, 100 Day, Chinese New Year, Panda Bears

mars: Animals, Spring

avril: Animals, Easter, Spring, Food

mai: Things that Grow, Fairy Tales

juin: Fairy Tales, Beach

Dramatic Play Centre Themes

septembre: une maison (house)

octobre: le caserne de pompiers (fire hall)

novembre: l'epicerie (grocery store)

decembre: une boulangerie (bakery)

janvier: une maison (house)

fevrier: l'hopital (hospital)

mars: L'hopital pour les animaux (animal hospital)

avril: une pizzaria (pizza restaurant)

mai: une fleuriste (florist)

juin: un chateau (a castle)

Last modified: Saturday, 29 September 2018, 8:44 AM